Commercial Fire Service

Plumbing for commercial businesses South East Melbourne

Commercial Factory Fire Service Renewal
Clayton, Victoria

A local industrial business recently enquired about a fire service renewal project for their factory and office space in Clayton. The business owners wanted to test and upgrade the fire services to make sure they were in prime condition. Should there ever be any potential fire emergency, the owners wanted to ensure their staff and property are protected at all times.

Industrial plumbing system featuring multiple red valves and silver pipes, installed on a concrete platform near a chain-link fence and road, perfect for commercial applications.
A bent copper pipe extends from a wall into the ground, secured with clamps and bolted to a wall flange in this commercial service area. Nearby, a small section of protective fencing ensures safety against potential fire hazards.

Upon inspection our commercial plumbing specialists discovered an aging system in very poor condition, using old 150mm Galvanised steel pipe. We worked collaboratively with the business owners to provide a turnkey solution in line with industry regulations, which would ensure the fire systems would operate effectively should there ever be a fire hazard. Our solution allowed the business to continue to function with minimal disruption throughout the duration of the project. Our plumbing solution included:

Marking out trench lines from Whiteside Rd valve assembly and Fairbank Rd valve assembly to sprinkler room
Cutting out concrete access holes in numerous locations of driveways
Carrying out underground boring from valve assembly to hydrant supply at corner of the building
Carrying out underground boring from valve assembly to sprinkler room
Supply and installing new 180mm PE from valve assembly to existing above ground sprinkler and hydrant supply
Undertaking location services to locate water supply pipe run
Cutting out concrete access holes at all branch connections
Carrying out underground boring from Whiteside Rd water meter to Fairbank Rd water meter
Supply and installing new 63mm poly water main
Reconnecting all water main branches to new pipework
Connecting, testing and commissioning all works
Reinstating concrete at all access holes and removing rubbish and excess soil from the site

At Joniec Plumbing, our highly trained team of specialists provide complete, effective commercial plumbing solutions on time and within budget.

A defective fire service system such as this one may not only cause damage your property, but it could be unsafe for your team, prevent insurance claims, or cost you downtime in your business. With over 12 years’ experience in commercial fire service plumbing, we understand how important it is to ensure the safety of your premises. Our respected team can provide fire service testing, repairs, restoration, upgrades and preventative maintenance, to ensure reliable results and minimal disruption to your day-to-day running of your business.